Archive for March, 2010

American Imperialism

Imperialism has been a world epic for centuries. It is defined as the policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations.  America has been and still is an imperialistic nation.  In the history of the US they have never minded their own business, and attended only to US affairs.  As stated in the selection “America’s Big Stick,” the US believed in”Speak softly and carry a big stick;you will go far.” This further proves the point that the United Stated believed in having dominance over other nations, and proving its authorative figure.  The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 has been abandoned.  The United States does not play by the rules of staying out the affairs of others.  The war in Iraq and the disaster in Haiti are perfect examples.  The US is attempting to be the greatest power and place US officials in high places in Iraq, and after the Haiti disaster they went there as if they were helping the cause but really had alternative motives to gain territory there.  In conclusion, America will forever be an imperialist nation.  Forever will they have influence and political dominance in other nations.