Archive for November, 2009

Ok so I’m trying to get the hang of this whole BLOG thing, but its soo confusing.  Maybe I’m just not focused today, but whatever the case may be today, this is my grade so I have to get on it and get to it! Dr. Flowers is the b-e-s-t though so I know I’ll be fine. In the words of fellow CAU panthers, “I’ll find a way or make one!” 🙂


I absolutely love the Wise program.  The environment is so friendly and Dr. Flowers is a one-on-one professor.  She always take time out to help us or give us extra time to do an assignment because we are too lazy!  I probably will stay in the Wise program until I graduate.  I could not see myself going into a regualr English class, and leaving my home away from home.  I love Wise and I love my two professors, Dr. Flowers and Professor Underwood.! 🙂

Hello world!

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